Image: PATTERNITY at the Guggenheim

Celebrating 150 years of meaningful design by Lloyd-Wright

Recognising one of the great designers of the past century

Frank Lloyd-Wright is one of the most prolific and well known architects of the twentieth century, and June 8 marks his birthday. To commemorate him, institutes and designers across the world are creating events and conversations that explore his modernist work.
"I believe in God, only I spell it Nature"
Frank Lloyd-Wright
Lloyd-Wright was a pioneer of modern architecture, exploring innovative materials and construction systems, as well as developing ideas around urban planning and linking nature to design.

An exhibition at MoMA will explore archives of the architects work, bringing together models and drawings alongside other ephemera never seen before that will unpick the designer's process.
Elsewhere, open houses of his most famous spaces are happening across America.
Image: Beth Sholom Synagogue, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright
Image: Annie Pfeiffer Chapel, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright