Happy Patterns retreats bring together a curated selection of wellbeing specialists for in-depth talks, discussions and workshops designed to engage both body and mind. We provide a considered and inclusive space to explore the definition of inner creativity, hear fresh perspectives and understand the ‘unseen’ patterns that shape our lives. We teach practical and uplifting exercises designed to empower new patterns and integrate a renewed sense of wholeness into everyday life.
Every carefully curated retreat helps participants to consider the patterns of thinking and behaviour that shape all of our personal and professional lives. In each retreat, we’re guided by wellbeing pioneers to better understand the patterns that shape our habits and lives. Previous retreats have included transformative coaching, advice on how to create your own modern day rituals and interactive introductions to mindfulness meditation. Inspiring talks from novelists to philosophers and raw food specialists have focused on the positive power of self-awareness and connectivity.
Collectively, we open up a space for people to explore, feel safe, be curious, want to journey deeper, go beyond the visual, dig deeper into themselves – and return to the world, reinvigorated and restored.
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